Thursday, August 6, 2015

A Letter to Siggy

Aug. 6

Hi, dear Siggy,

I wrote a blog about the life here, about all my experiences. You can get access to it by connecting to

 Here is another a little simple one about the instruction skills I learned and reflected during these six weeks.

First and the most impressive thing I learned is not the skills of how to control the class but the deep love a teacher gives his/her students with agreement and support all the time, just as you demonstrated all the time in your classes with us and in your sharing your teaching experiences. This love I also felt in many other teachers’ classes, Betsy’s, Susan’s, Kirk’s and Carrie’s, just mentioned a few.

Second is the close connection among students themselves. You taught us many ice-breaker activities, the main purpose of which is not oonly getting the energetic atmosphere in class but more importantly giving students opportunities to know each other and feel closely connected with each other. So they are involved in one class and also in the course. The better they know each other the more they love the course. 

And the time a teacher uses the ice-breakers should be flexible as well, when they do not know each other well, before starting a difficult task, at the end of a tiring class,... It depends on the students’ mood at that time. This requires the teacher’s close attention and sensitive experience. I have to bear this in mind and practice more.

The teaching activities you taught us are multi-tasking, so inspiring that I can always develop more versions and steps from them. What’s more, you shared so many articles and books whatever you think useful and beneficial to us, for which I will always be grateful. Teaching activities are never enough and I can learn them by searching online, and developing original ones or from the traditional ones by myself. And I always know you will be there whenever it is an emergency for my class. How much I appreciate that, you will never know.

 Another thing I learned from you, my dear teacher Siggy, is that never stop making oneself versatile. You write beautiful rhythmic poems, dance different dances, say so many different languages, pronounce so amazingly varied voices, ... I have to admit all of these are beyond my imagination. But I would like to have a try in the future because of you.

 I know there are so many more things I could learn from you but time is so limited. If you can come to Changsha, China, I hope to be your student again. Many thanks can not express how much I love you and respect you. And I believe I am not the only one who said this to you, such an excellent teacher and friend! And best wishes to my dear teacher Siggy!



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