Thursday, July 16, 2015

A Trip to Boston

July 15th, 2015

Boston is a place where two famous universities are located, where Americans began to fight for their own independence, where only four hours’ drive from New Haven.

With great expectation, I and my colleagues went to Boston at the last weekend. The first stop was the famous statue of John Harvard, who according to some story was the creator of Harvard but turned out to be one of the donators of Harvard University. There is also a saying that his left foot will bring good luck to those who touch it. So almost every visitor goes up to shot a picture with it. With hundreds and hundreds of people touching it, the first half of his left shoe was so noticeably shining on its base, which seems a proof that touching does really work and which attracts more people going up and touching.:)  Did I touch it? No. It was so popular, crowded with people waiting to take a photo. But I am not a photo fan, you know.


In Harvard, most of the empty space in front of the teaching buildings were occupied with different styles of chairs placed in circles for the convenience of discussion. This reminded me of the idea of indoor designing of Microsoft Corp: give brilliant brains some space to talk and create. Discussing casually would help a lot for innovative ideas and future Nobel prize winners.

Another aspect of Harvard is its red-wall-white-window buildings. Though the buildings are not so 16th-century styled as those in Yale, these red-white-matched buidings are so classic and amazing.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology was our next destination, where we also found some amazing architectures. I love them feeling they are so sacred and scientific.
In the afternoon, we went to Boston beech. Wow, so many people of different races and ethnics, speaking different languages. Standing among them, I finally felt the sense why America is called a melting pot. what an important discovery! :)
Wondering in the street, I saw for the first time the unique styles of a Boston tourist guide and a Boston tour bus.

We also went to a historical spot where a battle during the independence war took place. What a pity was that the door to the top of the monument was closed just half an hour before we got there.
The Boston trip provided me a quite different view from New Haven and I enjoyed it.



  1. And if you all visit Princeton in New Jersey you will see another very different view of America. Though the three cities are all famous for their excellent universities, none of the cities or the universities are the same.

    1. Thank you Carrie! I love the idea of exploring different cultures. That is what I want to share with my students back to China.
